President Report March 2017. I can’t believe it’s newsletter time already. I really enjoyed going to the prize giving dinner for the Walsh Memorial Flying School in Matamata in January. Congratulations to the recipients of the NZAWA Awards.
Just a quick message to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year. I hope you all have the new flying maps and that you have got up to speed on the all the changes.
President Report November 2016. It’s certainly been busy since I last put a report in the newsletter. Recently the NZAWA Executive held a meeting at my place. I believe we achieved a lot with a little fun thrown in as well.
The time is right for me to step aside as President of the NZAWA. After six years I am typing my last President report with a good feeling… I wish every success to the future Executive of NZAWA.