Just a quick message to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year. I hope you all have the new flying maps and that you have got up to speed on the all the changes.
Just a quick message to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year. I hope you all have the new flying maps and that you have got up to speed on the all the changes.
President Report November 2016. It’s certainly been busy since I last put a report in the newsletter. Recently the NZAWA Executive held a meeting at my place. I believe we achieved a lot with a little fun thrown in as well.
President Report September 2016. Spring is almost here and the daffodils are out. What a big relief as winter here has been incredibly long and wet.
Hawera Aero Club welcomes all interested aviators to our annual dawn fly in – Sunday 14 August, 2016
This is my first report as your President. For those of you who don’t know me, I will do a brief introduction.
The time is right for me to step aside as President of the NZAWA. After six years I am typing my last President report with a good feeling… I wish every success to the future Executive of NZAWA.
You are a current member of NZAWA right? We are Seeking a Secretary for 2016! If you are keen we give full training to this Secretarial role. You will have support of your Executive. New ideas, new blood, new developments, we want your input. Come and join the team!