Year: 2015

We would like to wish you all a very enjoyable Christmas and best wishes for 2016! Hopefully many of you have been able to enjoy the lovely summer days that have been around this week. Fingers crossed its the start of some great flying weather! Take care and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

Now windy spring has arrived. I have recently completed an eleven day flying tour working around the forecast gale force wind. We successfully completed our tour and managed to enjoy our beautiful South Island within the confines of the weather conditions.

It has not been all that long since the NZAWA Rally held in Waipukurau during Queens Birthday Weekend in June 2015. But I seem to fit in many activities between then and now. First up is my initiation to Oshkosh EAA Airshow during July 2015 thanks to FLYINN.

It is official, NZAWA are members of the Aviation Federation where representatives of our aviation community have a communal voice to CAA and our Government. The first meeting takes place 23 April in Wellington and Pip Schofield will represent our Executive and Association.

Fellow Members: Our Association has volunteered our time distributing Warbirds over Wanaka posters and brochures within Wanaka, Wellington and Auckland areas prior to the 2012 and 2014 air shows. In return for our effort to assist Warbirds over Wanaka, the benefit to NZAWA is the booth space allocated comes to us with an $800 saving!

Hello Members and Happy New Year!
May 2015 be a discovery and challenge for you… it keeps you on your toes!

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